• Welcome to the Lakkaraju Lab!

    Investigating mechanisms and developing therapeutics for neurodegenerative diseases

    Lab group photo 2023 front page CROP
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July 2024
• Sydney is awarded a travel fellowship to the XXVI Biennial Meeting of the International Society of Vision Research to be held in Argentina

• Aparna is appointed co-director of the Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics graduate program
June 2024
• Our new manuscript on an unexpected culprit in the pathogenesis of frontotemporal dementia is on biorxiv! Please check it out!

• Sydney speaks at Lightning Talks in the lead up to the Grand Rounds presentation on Academic Leadership
May 2024
Nilsa and Colin attend commencement! Congratulations, Dr. La Cunza and Dr. Germer!

• Sydney wins first prize in the Department of Ophthalmology Annual Research Day! An’s and Yao’s poster presentations were very well attended. Congratulations, Sydney, An, and Yao!!

• Barry presents his exciting research at the PROPEL symposium!

• The lab makes a fine showing at the annual ARVO meeting in Seattle – FIVE presentations, FIVE hoarse voices, and a lot of fun!


Welcome to the Lakkaraju Laboratory!

The Lakkaraju lab is a diverse group of multidisciplinary scientists dedicated to developing effective therapies for highly prevalent neurodegenerative diseases. We use the retina as a model to interrogate pathological mechanisms and identify therapeutic targets for diseases that compromise vision and cognition – critical functions that define our humanity and determine how we relate to the world around us.

Using cell-based and mouse models and multidisciplinary approaches ranging from genetics, bioinformatics, and advanced imaging, we have recently identified powerful drugs that prevent vision loss, which are currently in clinical development. Explore the Research and Publications pages or reach out to us if you would like to learn more about what we do!

We value diversity, foster creativity, believe in inclusion, and are passionate about mentoring across the pipeline.


Super-resolution live-cell imaging of interactions between mitochondria (green) and lysosomes (yellow).

3D reconstruction of phagosome
Microglia reconstruction


July 2024
• Sydney is awarded a travel fellowship to the XXVI Biennial Meeting of the International Society of Vision Research to be held in Argentina

• Aparna is appointed co-director of the Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics graduate program
June 2024
• Our new manuscript on an unexpected culprit in the pathogenesis of frontotemporal dementia is on biorxiv! Please check it out!

• Sydney speaks at Lightning Talks in the lead up to the Grand Rounds presentation on Academic Leadership
May 2024
Nilsa and Colin attend commencement! Congratulations, Dr. La Cunza and Dr. Germer!

• Sydney wins first prize in the Department of Ophthalmology Annual Research Day! An’s and Yao’s poster presentations were very well attended. Congratulations, Sydney, An, and Yao!!

• Barry presents his exciting research at the PROPEL symposium!

• The lab makes a fine showing at the annual ARVO meeting in Seattle – FIVE presentations, FIVE hoarse voices, and a lot of fun!