Upcoming: Grand Rounds
8:30 am
Department of Ophthalmology Gran...
@ HYBRID - VCV013E - William and Ruth Hoffman Auditorium, 1st Floor
Department of Ophthalmology Gran...
@ HYBRID - VCV013E - William and Ruth Hoffman Auditorium, 1st Floor
Oct 10 @ 8:30 am – 10:00 am
8:30-9:15AM — Case Presentations: Retina (Dr. Frank Brodie) 9:15-10:00AM — Grand Rounds Lecture: “New Frontiers in Retinal Gene Therapy: From Voretigene to Base Editing”, Dr. Aaron Nagiel, PhD, MD To understand basis of retinal gene therapy.[...]
8:30 am
Department of Ophthalmology Gran...
@ Hybrid Event - VCV013E - William and Ruth Hoffman Auditorium, 1st Floor
Department of Ophthalmology Gran...
@ Hybrid Event - VCV013E - William and Ruth Hoffman Auditorium, 1st Floor
Oct 24 @ 8:30 am – 10:00 am
8:30 am – 9:15 am — Case Presentations: DEI (Dr. Sri Padmanabhan) 9:15 am – 10:00 am — Grand Rounds Lecture: “Emerging methods and topics in Climate change epidemiology”, Dr. Tarik Benmarhnia, PhD Introduce the field of[...]
8:30 am
Department of Ophthalmology Gran...
@ HYBRID: VCV013E - William and Ruth Hoffman Auditorium, 1st Floor
Department of Ophthalmology Gran...
@ HYBRID: VCV013E - William and Ruth Hoffman Auditorium, 1st Floor
Oct 31 @ 8:30 am – 10:00 am
8:30-9:15am–Case Presentations: Cornea (Dr. Simon Fung) 9:15-10:00am–Grand Rounds Lecture: “Age Is Just a Number: demystifying pediatric anterior segment ophthalmology”, Dr. Simon Fung, MD To learn about different pediatric corneal disorders and management strategies. To learn about[...]
8:30 am
Department of Ophthalmology Gran...
@ HYBRID: VCV013 - William and Ruth Hoffman Auditorium, 1st Floor
Department of Ophthalmology Gran...
@ HYBRID: VCV013 - William and Ruth Hoffman Auditorium, 1st Floor
Nov 7 @ 8:30 am – 10:00 am
8:30-9:15am–Case Presentations: Pediatrics (Dr. Maanasa Indaram) 9:15-10:00am–Grand Rounds Lecture: “Elucidating the molecular mechanisms of photoreceptor wiring”, Dr. Elizabeth Zuniga-Sanchez, PhD Discuss the challenges with current therapies to treat photoreceptor degenerative diseases. Present new molecular mechanisms involved[...]
8:30 am
Department of Ophthalmology Gran...
@ HYBRID - VCV013E - William and Ruth Hoffman Auditorium, 1st Floor
Department of Ophthalmology Gran...
@ HYBRID - VCV013E - William and Ruth Hoffman Auditorium, 1st Floor
Nov 21 @ 8:30 am – 10:00 am
8:30-9:15am–Case Presentations: Cornea (Dr. Neel Pasricha) 9:15-10:00am–Grand Rounds: “Corneal Innovation Lab: From Bench to Bedside”, Alfonso L. Sabater, MD, PhD Explore Current Advances in Corneal Regeneration. Evaluate the Clinical Applications and Future Directions of Corneal Gene[...]
Upcoming: Meetings
There are no upcoming events.