UCSF at the “AAO 2024 Annual Meeting”

UCSF Ophthalmology and Proctor Foundation Faculty are attending the American Academy of Ophthalmology “AAO 2024” annual meeting at “McCormick Place” in Chicago, from Friday, October 18, 2024 to Monday, October 21, 2024.  Faculty presentations and contributions for the event are listed below.

The Francis I. Proctor Foundation, the Department of Ophthalmology, the Frederick C. Cordes Eye Society, the H. Bruce Ostler Association of Proctor Fellows, and All May See Foundation will host a cocktail reception on Saturday, October 19, 2024, from 6:00 – 8:00PM. Please click here to RSVP by September 23 to attend.


Faculty Presentations and Contributions

Friday, October 18

Julie Schallhorn, MD, MS

Title: Panel/Moderator

Session: Section I: What I’m Doing in 2024
Date: 10/18/2024, Time: 8:05 AM CDT [06:05 AM PDT]
Location: Grand Ballroom S100AB
Poster/Event Number: REF02
Type: In Person, Live Broadcast, On Demand

Yvonne Ou, MD

Title: Welcome and Introductions

Session: Announcements
Date: 10/18/2024, Time: 8:07 AM CDT [06:07 AM PDT]
Location: Room E354
Poster/Event Number: GLA01
Type: In Person, Live Broadcase, On Demand

Julius Oatts, MD

Title: DEI and Mental Health—“I Can See You”

Session: Pediatric Ophthalmology Workforce and Equitable Care
Date: 10/18/2024, Time: 10:25 AM CDT [08:25 AM PDT]
Location: Grand Ballroom S100C
Poster/Event Number: PED04
Type: In Person

Julie Schallhorn, MD, MS

Title: Lens Based: Multifocal/Trifocal/Extended Depth of Field

Session: Section III: Show Me the Evidence—Point-Counterpoint
Date: 10/18/2024, Time: 10:30 AM CDT [08:30 AM PDT]
Location: Grand Ballroom S100AB
Poster/Event Number: REF04
Type: In Person, Live Broadcast, On Demand

Alejandra de Alba Campomanes , MD

Title: Should We Use Botulinum Toxin More Often and Do a Better Job Training Clinicians How to Use It? Yes

Session: PED06Section IV: Debates—“You Need to Calm Down”
Date: 10/18/2024, Time: 1:56 PM CDT [11:56 AM PDT]
Location: Grand Ballroom S100C
Poster/Event Number: PED06
Type: In Person, Live Broadcast, On Demand

Maanasa Indaram, MD

Title: Apps for Pediatric Ophthalmologists

Session: Section V: Technology—“Glitch”
Date: 10/18/2024, Time: 2:23 PM CDT [12:23 PM PDT]
Location: Grand Ballroom S100C
Poster/Event Number: PED07
Type: In Person

Yvonne Ou, MD

Title: The Latest Diagnostics For Glaucoma, and All That Jazz

Session: The Latest Diagnostics For Glaucoma, and All That Jazz
Date: 10/18/2024, Time: 2:28 PM CDT [12:28 PM PDT]
Location: Room E354
Poster/Event Number: GLA07
Type: In Person, Live Broadcast, On Demand

John Gonzales, MD

Title: Macular Edema Ranibizumab versus Intravitreal Anti-Inflammatory Therapy (MERIT) Trial 24 Weeks Results

Session: Uveitis Subspecialty Day: Late Breaking Presentations
Date: 10/18/2024, Time: 4:15 PM CDT [02:15 PM PDT]
Location: Room E350
Poster/Event Number: UVE09
Type: In Person

Robert Bhisitkul, MD, PhD

Title: Section X: First-time Results of Clinical Trials

Session: Section X: First-time Results of Clinical Trials
Date: 10/18/2024, Time: 4:54 PM CDT [02:54 PM PDT]
Location: Arie Crown
Poster/Event Number: RET12
Type: In Person, Live Broadcast, On Demand

Nisha Acharya, MD, MS

Title: The Adalimumab in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Associated Uveitis Trial (ADJUST) Results

Session: Uveitis Subspecialty Day: Late Breaking Presentations
Date: 10/18/2024, Time: 4:55 PM CDT [02:55 PM PDT]
Location: Room E350
Poster/Event Number: UVE09
Type: In Person

Saturday, October 19

Julie Schallhorn, MD, MS

Title: Lab

Session: No Capsule, No Problem: Intrascleral Haptic Fixation of IOLs
Date: 10/19/2024, Time: 8:00 AM CDT [06:00 AM PDT]
Location: Room N228
Poster/Event Number: LAB146A
Type: In person

Jacque Duncan , MD

Title: Why Do We Still Have So Few Treatments for Retinal Degenerations, and Where Do We Go From Here?

Session: Section XI: Medical Retina and Chorioretinal Vascular Disease Part II
Date: 10/19/2024, Time: 8:39 AM CDT [06:39 AM PDT]
Location: Arie Crown
Poster/Event Number: RET14
Type: In Person, Live Broadcast, On Demand

Stephen McLeod, MD

Title: Opening Session

Session: Opening Session
Date: 10/19/2024, Time: 9:00 AM CDT [07:00 AM PDT]
Location: Grand Ballroom S100AB
Poster/Event Number: SYM03
Type: In Person, Live Broadcast, On Demand

Simon Fung, MD MA FRCOphth

Title: Surgical Management of Pediatric Trauma

Session: Surgical Management of Pediatric Trauma
Date: 10/19/2024, Time: 11:30 AM CDT [09:30 AM PDT]
Location: Room S105D
Poster/Event Number: 244
Type: In Person

Julius Oatts, MD

Title: Virtual Reality Devices in Pediatric Ophthalmology

Session: Pediatric Ophthalmology, Strabismus
Date: 10/19/2024, Time: 11:30 AM CDT [09:30 AM PDT]
Location: Learning Lounge
Poster/Event Number: LLO4
Type: In Person

Patrick Takla, BA

Title: A Prospective, Masked Study of the Diagnostic Accuracy of the Blinq and Spot Screening Devices in a Pediatric Ophthalmology Clinic-Based Setting

Session: Pediatric Ophthalmology, Strabismus Original Papers
Date: 10/19/2024, Time: 11:30 AM CDT [09:30 AM PDT]
Location: Room S405
Poster/Event Number: PA018
Type: In person
Mentor: Julius Oatts, MD

Simon Fung, MD MA FRCOphth

Title: Advanced Pediatric Cornea Surgery

Session: Advanced Pediatric Cornea Surgery
Date: 10/19/2024, Time: 2:30 PM CDT [12:30 PM PDT]
Location: Live Broadcast, On Demand
Poster/Event Number: ASK04V
Type: Live Broadcast, On Demand

Sunday, October 20

Nailyn Rasool , MD FRCPC FRCSC

Title: Down the Rabbit Hole: Making Sense of Cortical Visual Disturbances

Session: Down the Rabbit Hole: Making Sense of Cortical Visual Disturbances
Date: 10/20/2024, Time: 2:00 AM CDT [12:00 AM PDT]
Location: Room S102
Poster/Event Number: 471
Type: In Person

Nailyn Rasool , MD FRCPC FRCSC

Title: Curbside Consultation in Neuro-Ophthalmology

Session: Curbside Consultation in Neuro-Ophthalmology
Date: 10/20/2024, Time: 3:45 AM CDT [01:45 AM PDT]
Location: Room S103BC
Poster/Event Number: 483
Type: In Person

Nisha Acharya, MD

Title: Panelist for Grand Rounds: Real Cases from Around the World

Session: Grand Rounds: Real Cases from Around the World
Date: 10/20/2024, Time: 8:00 AM CDT [06:00 AM PDT]
Location: Grand Ballroom S100C
Poster/Event Number: SYM34
Type: In Person

Matilda Chan, MD, PhD

Title: Effective Peer Review: A Responsibility to Maintain Scientific Integrity

Session: Medical Education
Date: 10/20/2024, Time: 9:45 AM CDT [07:45 AM PDT]
Location: Room E352
Poster/Event Number: 434
Type: In person

Matilda Chan, MD, PhD

Title: Quality of Peer Review

Session: Effective Peer Review: A Responsibility to Maintain Scientific Integrity
Date: 10/20/2024, Time: 9:45 AM CDT [07:45 AM PDT]
Location: Room E352
Poster/Event Number: 434
Type: Instruction Course – In Person

Simon Fung, MD MA FRCOphth

Title: YO Program Part 1: Launching Your Career

Session: YO Program Part 1: Launching Your Career
Date: 10/20/2024, Time: 9:45 AM CDT [07:45 AM PDT]
Location: Room S406B
Poster/Event Number: SYM32
Type: In Person, On Demand

Nailyn Rasool , MD FRCPC FRCSC

Title: Common Neuro-Ophthalmology Diagnoses: What to Manage Myself and What to Refer?

Session: Common Neuro-Ophthalmology Diagnoses: What to Manage Myself and What to Refer?
Date: 10/20/2024, Time: 10:00 AM CDT [08:00 AM PDT]
Location: Learning Lounge 2
Poster/Event Number: LL12
Type: In Person

Jeremy Keenan, MD, MPH

Title: Eyedrops Can Kill? Prevention and Emerging Therapy for Resistant Exogenous and Iatrogenic Corneal Infections

Session: Ask the Experts
Date: 10/20/2024, Time: 11:30 AM CDT [09:30 AM PDT]
Location: Live Broadcast, On Demand
Poster/Event Number: ASK07V
Type: Live Broadcast, On Demand

Simon Fung, MD MA FRCOphth

Title: YO Program Part 2: Career Coaching

Session: YO Program Part 2: Career Coaching
Date: 10/20/2024, Time: 11:30 AM CDT [09:30 AM PDT]
Location: Room S406B
Poster/Event Number: SYM38
Type: In Person, On Demand

Simon Fung, MD MA FRCOphth

Title: YO Program Part 3: Wellness Throughout Your Career

Session: YO Program Part 3: Wellness Throughout Your Career
Date: 10/20/2024, Time: 2:00 PM CDT [12:00 PM PDT]
Location: Room S406B
Poster/Event Number: SYM47
Type: In Person, On Demand

Liangbo (Linus) Shen, MD

Title: Determinants of Four-Year Visual Acuity Loss in Geographic Atrophy – An Analysis of the AREDS and AREDS2 Studies

Session: Retina, Vitreous Original Papers
Date: 10/20/2024, Time: 2:12 PM CDT [12:12 PM PDT]
Location: Room Room S405
Poster/Event Number: OP08
Type: In Person, Original Paper Session
Mentor: Jay Stewart, MD

Jeremy Keenan, MD, MPH

Title: Strengthening Global Ophthalmology Through International Research

Session: Elevating Global Ophthalmology: Creating a Community Through Education, Advocacy, and International Partnerships
Date: 10/20/2024, Time: 2:15 PM CDT [12:15 PM PDT]
Location: Room E350
Poster/Event Number: SYM43
Type: In Person, On Demand

Michele M. Bloomer , MD

Title: Advanced Refractive Cataract Surgery and Anterior Segment Reconstruction

Session: Advanced Refractive Cataract Surgery and Anterior Segment Reconstruction
Date: 10/20/2024, Time: 3:00 PM CDT [01:00 PM PDT]
Location: Room N228
Poster/Event Number: LAB116B
Type: In Person Skills Transfer

Stephen McLeod, MD

Title: Ophthalmic Premier League: A Team Symposium on Managing Cataract Complications

Session: Ophthalmic Premier League: A Team Symposium on Managing Cataract Complications
Date: 10/20/2024, Time: 3:45 PM CDT [01:45 PM PDT]
Location: Grand Ballroom S100AB
Poster/Event Number: SYM53
Type: In Person, On Demand

Simon Fung, MD MA FRCOphth

Title: Carving Your Path in Global Ophthalmology: One Size Does Not Fit All

Session: Carving Your Path in Global Ophthalmology: One Size Does Not Fit All
Date: 10/20/2024, Time: 4:00 PM CDT [02:00 PM PDT]
Location: Learning Lounge 2
Poster/Event Number: LL20
Type: In Person

Monday, October 21

Julius Oatts, MD

Title: What’s New and Important in Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus for 2024

Session: Pediatric Ophthalmology, Strabismus
Date: 10/21/2024, Time: 9:45 AM CDT [07:45 AM PDT]
Location: Room S104
Poster/Event Number: 623 
Type: In Person

Jeremy Keenan, MD, MPH

Title: Grand Rounds With Infectious Keratitis Experts: What You Should Know

Session: Grand Rounds With Infectious Keratitis Experts: What You Should Know
Date: 10/21/2024, Time: 2:00 PM CDT [12:00 PM PDT]
Location: Room S101
Poster/Event Number: 654
Type: In Person