Seth Blumberg, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor


Mathematical models of trachoma, healthcare associated infections, and antimicrobial resistance

My research focuses on developing and applying data-driven computational models of infectious diseases that exhibit the potential of elimination (i.e. R < 1). A key goal has been to elucidate risk factors that tip the balance between disease quiescence and emergence. This involves quantification of the impact of patient-specific or population-wide control interventions. Applications include enhancing trachoma elimination programs, mitigating the impact of SARS-CoV-2 in congregate settings, characterizing the transmission dynamics of healthcare associated infections and identifying factors responsible for the emergence of antibiotic resistance. My involvement in direct patient care provides a practical perspective of the investigations and metrics that have an immediate impact on clinical guidelines and public health.

I am fortunate to be based within the Francis I. Proctor Foundation. The Foundation’s interdisciplinary approach toward alleviating the global burden of infectious disease is innovative, impactful, and intellectually engaging.


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Research Areas:

Epidemiology, Infectious Diseases, Trachoma, Mathematical modeling, Computation, Clinical informatics
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