Our Current Postdoctoral Fellows

Annika Balraj, PhD

Dunn Lab

Chia Hsiang Chang, PhD

Nachury Lab

Siyuan Chang, PhD

Duan Lab

Kriti Chaplot, PhD

Ullian Lab

An Cheng, PhD

Lakkaraju Lab

Van Duesterberg, PhD

Lamba Lab

Durairaj Duraikannu, PhD

Nair Lab

Valencia Fernandes, PhD

Lakkaraju Lab

Kiran Gangappa, PhD

Nair Lab

Pin Yeh Lin, PhD

Duan Lab

Irene Ojeda Naharros, PhD

Nachury Lab

Bamadeb Patra, PhD

Lamba Lab

Vinod Kumar Reddy Lekkala, PhD

Lamba Lab

Wenhao Shang, PhD

Kim Lab

Yao Tong, PhD

Lakkaraju Lab

Fei Wang, PhD

Duan Lab

Xiaowei Wang, PhD

Gould Lab

Yixiao Wang, PhD

Duan Lab

Rongshan Yan, PhD

Pasricha Lab

Mengya Zhao, PhD

Duan Lab

Mingli Zhu, PhD

Nachury Lab


Current Awards and Achievements

Joo Yeun Lee

• K99/R00 Award, NEI, 2023-2025
• Paper published, “Inhibition, but not excitation, recovers from partial cone loss with greater spatiotemporal integration, synapse density, and frequency”
• Paper published, “Impact of Photoreceptor Loss on Retinal Circuitry”
• ARVO travel award, 2019
• That Man May See Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2019

Dunn Lab
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Kenichi Toma

• The Innovative Genomics Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship, UCSF and Berkeley, 2019

Duan Lab
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Xiaowei Wang

• UCSF Ophthalmology Research Day – 1st Prize in Trainee Presentations, 2023
• BrightFocus Foundation Alzheimer’s Disease Research Program, 2021-2023
• Alzheimer’s Association Research Fellowship, 2021-2022

Gould Lab
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Finn Wolfreys

• Dean’s Award for Excellence in Mentoring for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars, 2024
• The Larry L. Hillblom Foundation Fellowship Grant, 2022
• PBBR Sandler Program for Breakthrough Biomedical Research – Postdoctoral Independent Research Grant, 2022

Chan Lab
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Past Postdoctoral Fellows Awards & Achievements

Kayla Branyan

• Paper published, “Elevated TGFβ signaling contributes to cerebral small vessel disease in mouse models of Gould syndrome”
• F32 Ruth L. Kirschstein Postdoctoral Individual National Research Service Award, 2018-2019
Gould Lab
Current position: Chief Strategist, Bakar Aging Research Institute (BARI), UCSF

Rachel Care

• Paper published, “Mature Retina Compensates Functionally for Partial Loss of Rod Photoreceptors”
• UCSF David and Joyce Copenhagen Award, 2020
• Paper published, “Partial Cone Loss Triggers Synapse-Specific Remodeling and Spatial Receptive Field Rearrangements in a Mature Retinal Circuit”
• F31 Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award, 2018-2019
Dunn Lab

Corinna Cozzitorto

• Knights Templar Eye Foundation grant for Ocular Anterior Segment Dysgenesis, 2022-2023
• All May See Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2021-2022
Gould Lab
Current position: Senior Postdoctoral Scientist, Institute of Diabetes & Regeneration Research, Helmholtz Diabetes Center

Genki Hayashi

• F32 Ruth L. Kirschstein Postdoctoral Individual National Research Service Award, 2018-2019
• American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2017-2018
Gould Lab
Current position: In Vivo Scientist at Neuron23

Sangeetha Kandoi

• Paper published, “Retinal Organoids: A Human Model System for Development, Diseases, and Therapies”
• Emerging Vision Scientist Award by National Alliance for Eye and Vision Research (NAEVR) /Alliance for Eye and Vision Research (AEVR), 2023
• UCSF – Science and Health Education Partnership (SEP) – Alumni Spotlight, 2023
• Paper published, “Disease modeling and pharmacological rescue of autosomal dominant Retinitis Pigmentosa associated with RHO copy number variation”
• All May See Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2023
• Travel Award to attend Tree Shrew Discovery 2023 Meeting
• Bright Focus Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship (Macular Degeneration Research Program), 2023-2025
• Paper published, “Characterization of Retinal Development in 13-Lined Ground Squirrels”
• UCSF-Postdoc Slam – People’s choice winner award, 2022
• UCSF Ophthalmology Research Day – 1st Prize in Trainee Presentations, 2022
• Travel Award to attend ARVO 2022 Meeting (Retina Research Foundation/Joseph M. and Eula C. Lawrence Travel Grant)
• Travel Award to attend XIXth International Symposium on Retinal Degenerations (RD2021) and the BrightFocus Macular Fast Track
• Travel Award to attend ARVO 2021 Meeting (American Macular Degeneration Foundation Travel Grant)

Lamba Lab
Current position: Bright Focus Foundation-Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Blackshaw’s Lab, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Benyam Kinde

• Marcus Innovative Award in Precision Medicine, UCSF, 2020
Duan Lab, Han Lab
Current position: Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Stanford University

Swanand Koli

• Knight Templar Eye Foundation Grant, 2020-2022
Nair Lab
Current position: Research Specialist, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital

Yao Lu

• That All May See Postdoctoral Fellowship
Kim Lab
Current position: Machine Learning Engineer, Amazon

Peipei Pan

• ARVO travel award, 2020
• Gordon Research Conference (Cornea) – abstract selected for a talk presentation, 2018
Chan Lab
Current position: Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesia, UCSF

Hassan Paylakhi

• Knight Templar Eye Foundation Grant, 2018
Nair Lab

Li Xuan Tan

• UCSF Ophthalmology Research Day best poster award
• Paper published, “Optineurin tunes outside-in signaling to regulate lysosome biogenesis and phagocytic clearance in the retina”
• Paper published, “Analysis of mitochondrial dynamics and function in the retinal pigment epithelium by high-speed high-resolution live imaging”
• All May See Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2021
• Paper published, “Complement activation, lipid metabolism, and mitochondrial injury: Converging pathways in age-related macular degeneration”
• Copenhagen Award for Best Paper in Vision Research, 2019
• Paper published, “Aberrant early endosome biogenesis mediates complement activation in the retinal pigment epithelium in models of macular degeneration”

Lakkaraju Lab