Our Current Postdoctoral Fellows
Ivan Anastassov, PhD, MPhil
Postdoc Mentor: Felice A. Dunn
Co-mentor: David Copenhagen
Undergraduate: Hunter College of City University of New York (CUNY), New York, NY
Graduate: Graduate Center of City University of New York and Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA
Graduate Mentor: Richard L. Chappell
Thesis: Neuromodulatory and cytoprotective roles of zinc in the vertebrate retina
Shawnta Chaney, PhD
Postdoc Mentor: David Copenhagen
Co-Mentor: Felice Dunn
Undergraduate: University of Houston, College of Natural Science and Mathematics
Graduate: University of Houston, College of Natural Science and Mathematics
Graduate Mentor: Donald Fox
Thesis: Retinal Development and Age-Related Degeneration Following Gestational Lead Exposure
Genki Hayashi, PhD
Postdoc Mentor: Doug Gould
Co-Mentor: Tom Arnold
Undergraduate: University of California Irvine, College of Biological Sciences
Graduate: University of California Davis, College of Biological Sciences
Graduate Mentor: Gino Cortopassi
Thesis: Oxidative stress: pathomechanism and biomarker in Friedreich’s ataxia
Andrés Cruz-Herranz, MD
Postdoc Mentor: Ari J. Green
Co-Mentor: Pablo Villoslada Diaz
Graduate School: Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain
Peipei Pan, PhD
Mentor: Matilda Chan
Co-Mentor: Anthony Moore
Undergraduate: Shandong University, Shandong Province, China
Graduate: University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Las Vegas, Nevada
Graduate Mentor: Frank van Breukelen
Thesis: Global and specific controls of protein synthesis in hibernators
Seyyedhassan Paylakhi, PhD
Mentor: Saidas Nair
Co-Mentor: TBD
Undergraduate: Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
Graduate: Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Graduate Mentor: Elahe Elahi
Thesis: Effects of PITX2 & FOXC1 Knockdown on Transcriptome of Human Primary Trabecular Meshwork Cells
Jia Qin, PhD
Mentor: Jacque Duncan
Co-Mentor: Austin Roorda
Undergraduate: Tianjin University of Technology, College of Precision Instrument and Opto-Electronic Engineering, Tianjin, China
Graduate: University of Washington, College of Engineering
Graduate Mentor: Ruikang Wang
Thesis: The development of a multi-modal optical imaging system to investigate hemodynamic responses to tissue injury in vivo
Weiwei Wang, PhD
Mentor: Felice Dunn
Co-mentor: TBD
Undergraduate: Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
Graduate: Rutgers University, Biomedical and Health Sciences
Graduate Mentor: Ellen Townes-Anderson
Thesis: The ROCK-LIMK-Cofilin Pathway Regulates the Structural Plasticity of Rod Photoreceptor Synaptic Terminals