Our Current Graduate Students

Colin Germer

Lakkaraju Lab

Nilsa La Cunza

Lakkaraju Lab

Nicole Tsai

Duan Lab

Sydney Williams

Lakkaraju Lab


Awards and Achievements

Colin Germer

• NEI Travel Award for International Symposium on Retinal Degenerations, 2023
• Elizabeth Anderon ARVO Travel Award, 2023
• UCSF Grad Slam Finalist, 2022
Lakkaraju Lab

Scott Harris

• David and Joyce Copenhagen Prize, 2023
• Paper published, “Asymmetric retinal direction tuning predicts optokinetic eye movements across stimulus conditions”
• F31 Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award, 2021
• Paper published, “Disassembly and rewiring of a mature converging excitatory circuit following injury”
• National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Honorable Mention, 2020
• UCSF Discovery Fellows Program, 2020
Dunn Lab

Nilsa La Cunza

• Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Scholarship, 2023
• UCSF Ophthalmology Research Day – 1st Prize in Lightning Talk, 2022
• Copenhagen Award for Best Paper in Vision Research, 2021
• Paper published, Mitochondria-dependent phase separation of disease-relevant proteins drives pathological features of age-related macular degeneration, 2021
• NEI Travel Award for International Symposium on Retinal Degenerations, 2018
Lakkaraju Lab

Nicole Tsai

• David and Joyce Copenhagen Prize, 2022
• MIT Outstanding Poster Competition Winner, 2023
• ARVO Travel Award, 2023
• Trefethen Family Travel Award, 2022
• Associated Students of the Graduate Division Conference Travel Award, 2022
• Paper published, Trans-Seq maps a selective mammalian retinotectal synapse instructed by Nephronectin, 2022
• Paper published, Live, die, or regenerate? New insights from multi-omic analyses, 2022
• F30 NRSA Award, NEI, 2021
• UCSF Discovery Fellows Program, 2021
• Paper published, Single-Cell Analysis of Human Retina Identifies Evolutionarily Conserved and Species-Specific Mechanisms Controlling Development, 2020
Duan Lab

Sydney Williams

• NEI Travel Award for International Symposium on Retinal Degenerations, 2023
• Chancellor’s Award for Martin Luther King, Jr. Leadership, 2023
• UC-HBCU Fellowship, 2021-2024
Lakkaraju Lab